Facebook Ads

Mobile app monetization strategies to monetize your app, create a profit-generating app business | Mobile App Marketing


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About The course

In this course, you’ll be able to watch how to set up and run profitable Facebook ads, step by step. Instead of just giving you the theory and then leaving it up to you to figure it all out, you’ll be able to see how to implement everything that you’ll learn, ensuring everything you learn is super actionable. Literally, everything you need to be able to create and implement successful Facebook Ads and Instagram campaigns. There are tons of resources for you to download throughout the course and lots of bonus tips and tricks you can use as well.

Are you looking for a Facebook Ads course that shows you exactly how to set up and run profitable Facebook Ads campaigns? Great, you’re in the right place. 



Downloadable resources

What’s inside


How to optimise Facebook Ads budget


How to boost sales & how to drive more leads to your sales teams


How to set every Facebook campaign objective & asd Format


How to create perfect ads: when you should use dynamic ads, conversion ads, lead generation ads

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